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Who's Who guide to 'green' Irish business

May 19, 2023

Divine inspiration: Sr Michelle and Sr Mairéad cleaning the solar panels on the living quarters at Glencairn Abbey, Co Waterford. The panels generate clean, green renewable energy from daylight, a free natural resource, thus saving on the Monasterys enormous electricity outlays. Photo: Valerie O’Sullivan

In 2022, greenhouse gas emissions from Irish power generation and industrial companies, covered by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, decreased by 4%.

Emissions decreased by 2% from the electricity generation sector. The decrease in industrial emissions is over 7%, with the cement industry emissions decreasing by almost 9%.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as the Competent Authority in Ireland for the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), released its preliminary analysis of greenhouse gas emissions in 2022 from the ETS sector. Emissions from Irish power generation and industrial companies decreased by 4% (more than 600.000 tonnes) in 2022.

This compares with a decrease of approximately 1.2% across Europe, according to preliminary analysis by carbon analysts of the data released today by the EU Commission.

Ireland's ETS sector delivered a decrease in emissions in 2022 due to a combination of factors, including increased use of renewable electricity and renewable fuels as well as a decrease in cement production.

In the electricity sector, there was less use of coal and peat-fired generation compared to the previous year, as conventional gas generation was available along with renewable energy. Fossil-fired power stations continued to play a strong role in meeting a high electricity demand.

"While the decrease we are seeing for 2022 from the emissions trading sector is welcome, 2022 emissions are in fact slightly above the pre-pandemic levels in 2019," said Laura Burke, EPA Director General. "Much more needs to be done if the sectoral targets under the 2023 Climate Action Plan are to be reached. The challenges faced in the power generation sector are in sharp focus at the moment. Decisions taken now must recognise the urgency of the climate change challenge and support the delivery of reductions in emissions through the development and roll out of a range of low carbon and renewable solutions."

Energy Industries show a decrease in emissions of 9.4% over the period 1990 to 2021. Over the time series, emissions from electricity generation have decreased by 10.5% whereas total electricity consumption has increased by 150.5%.

Emissions from electricity generation increased from 1990 to 2001 by 54.3% and have decreased by 42.1% between 2001 and 2021. This decrease reflects the improvement in efficiency of modern gas-fired power plants replacing older peat and oil-fired plants and the increased share of renewables, primarily, wind power along with increased interconnectivity.

This year was the lowest year in the 32-year time series for peat-fired electricity generation, 68% less than in 2020. These reductions reflect the gradual ending of peat-fired electricity generation for market and climate policy reasons.

Emissions from electricity generation had decreased year-on-year from 2016 to 2020, but 2021 has seen an increase of 18.8% compared to 2020. In 2021, there was a tripling of coal and oil used for electricity generation due to the unavailability of enough gas-fired generation and lower renewables.

Emerging business heroes of Irish Renewables

As Ireland continues it ongoing objective to reduce emissions, a wide cross-section of companies are heeding the call with innovative ideas and initiatives designed to tackle the challenge of climate change head-on.

Some are large corporations with a variety of divisions, while others are nimble and focused start-ups — and all are committed to investing in Ireland's huge renewable energy potential. The following companies represent a broad cross-section of this important and growing sector — some are already household names, others are the stars of tomorrow.


NovoGrid is a pioneer in Grid Edge Intelligence software with a suite of patented software products which benefit electricity generators and utilities.

The company has developed a number of novel control technologies for distributed generators and system operators allowing them to maximise the efficiency of their energy delivery without the need for extensive communications infrastructure. GridBoost is a patented grid edge intelligence software technology that automates and removes inefficiencies in renewable generators and electrical grid operations and was developed by Professor Andrew Keane and his team at University College Dublin. NovoGrid, a UCD spin-out company supported by NovaUCD, was established to commercialise the technology. Using Already installed in a number of wind farms in the UK, GridBoost could save 33 million kWh of renewable energy wasted annually, reducing carbon emissions by 16,200 tonnes and saving the Irish consumer €2.2 million.


NVP Energy delivers efficient and sustainable wastewater treatment solution, providing a professional, end-to-end service covering all aspects of the project, from calculating the feasibility of the installation, to ensuring a detailed handover and training as well as providing an aftercare service tailored to specific needs. Its technology treats wastewater and produces energy in one efficient package, helping slash wastewater charges by up to 60%, has negligible sludge management costs and qualifies for renewable energy incentives. The combined effect results in an average return on investment of three years.


Terra Solar is at the forefront of solar energy development in Ireland, helping lead the way in developing renewable energy sources and increasing energy independence. The business exclusively develops, finances, constructs and operates solar farms on the island of Ireland, partnering with commercial enterprises and private landowners to identify suitable sites for solar development and subsequently bring those sites from planning and grid approval stage through to fully operational solar farms. Ireland's temperate climate is perfectly suited to the development of solar energy. While we do not benefit from the same level of sunshine as southern regions, our lower temperatures significantly improve the performance and lifetime of solar cells. Solar energy generation is as economically viable as wind energy generation in Ireland without suffering the same drawbacks from a construction and planning standpoint.


For two decades, NTR has invested in renewable energy and during that period has, through its associated companies, constructed and operated c.2GW of wind projects and 630MW of solar projects across Europe and the US. Since 2015, NTR has acquired and managed renewable energy investments on behalf of third party investors through its renewable energy funds. It recently announced the successful deployment of two Battery Storage Systems in Co Wexford. Gorey battery storage 9MW and Avonbeg battery storage 16 MW are contracted to provide DS3 services to EirGrid. The batteries are critical in enabling the transmission system operator to increase the levels of renewable energy on the Irish grid system. Both the Gorey and Avonbeg facilities have also achieved capacity market contracts, highlighting the increasing demand for energy storage solutions as renewable energy sources become more prevalent.


Seabased's proprietary technology generates stable and predictable power that enables grid operators to increase the amount of renewables they can incorporate into the energy mix, either through stand-alone wave parks or in combination with other renewables such as offshore wind. The company has committed itself to solving the challenges standing between wave power's tremendous potential and cost-effective implementation. Its scientists and engineers have amassed more than 300 patents and 20 PhD theses; developing and ocean testing full-scale generators in four countries, including two multi-generator grid-connected demonstration wave power park. It is currently planning a 10-MW wave power park in Tongatapu in the South Pacific island country of Tonga, designed to tackle high energy costs. An initial 2-MW phase is expected to save Tonga €1.87m, replace two million litres of fuel and provide enough power for 2,800 homes. The second phase will add a further 8 MW. It is projected to meet half Tonga's energy needs and reduce emissions by 20%.


Gazelle Wind Power Limited is unlocking the massive deep-water offshore wind market to achieve global decarbonisation. The company's durable, disruptive hybrid floating platform with a high stability attenuated pitch surmounts the current barriers of buoyancy and geographic limitations while reducing costs and preserving fragile marine environments.

The company is based in Dublin and has a presence in Dubai, London, Madrid, Paris, and Texas. Offshore wind projects have traditionally lagged behind onshore and other renewable energy projects, with costs of construction, installation, and maintenance hindering their widespread adoption. Gazelle Wind Power's innovative, stable, hybrid attenuated mooring platform is designed and engineered by leading naval engineers to enable floating offshore wind production in deeper waters farther out at sea. The patented design allows for a 70% reduction in the weight of steel, while delivering a highly stable platform together with a 30% cost reduction compared to other floating wind platforms.


Obelisk is an internationally competitive professional engineering services business providing infrastructure solutions for the telecoms and power sectors in Ireland, UK and Africa. Founded in 1996, it employs over 300 people across office locations in Dublin, Cavan and Cape Town. The company's core activity is in providing solutions and resources to telecoms, power transmission and distribution, renewable energy and tower infrastructure industries. At present, Obelisk are testing out a fleet of electric vehicles, as part of the EV Commercial Fleet Trial — a pilot scheme run by SEAI on behalf of Zero Emission Vehicles Ireland - providing businesses with the opportunity to trial battery electric vehicles as part of their day-to-day jobs, to showcase the cost and emissions savings that an EV fleet can offer. Obelick plans the electrification of its commercial fleet, with the goal of eradicating 98% of Scope 1 emissions.


Bord na Móna is a semi-state climate solutions company helping lead Ireland towards a climate-neutral future. It provides employment for approximately 1500 people and manages a land holding of over 80,000 hectares. Its ambition is to create the right conditions to store carbon and protect biodiversity, while helping to deliver ongoing sustainable energy security for Ireland. The company works across wind, solar, biomass and biogas to power the national grid with clean energy. Many of Ireland's wind turbines are installed on cutaway bogs - lands that were once harvested for peat but are now being rehabilitated for renewable energy infrastructure, biodiversity and public enjoyment. Returning 8,000 hectares of raised bogs to their natural state will help absorb carbon from the atmosphere - this stops further release of carbon dioxide and, in time, enables the bog to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.


Solar Electric, as one of the leading companies offering Solar panels in Ireland, recently joined Pinergy, giving access to a strategic partnership with the most innovative and sustainable electricity providers in Ireland. The market for solar photovoltaic systems is growing rapidly. A greater understanding of the need to invest in renewables is coupled with the energy crisis, which has heightened financial drivers for cheaper energy. The removal of barriers to installing solar PV systems will kick-start even more rapid growth, following the 2022 government removal of the need for planning permission to put solar panels on roofs. A second impactful change was the introduction of the option to sell excess power back to a provider — a revenue stream that means the cost of installing a system can be retrieved far more quickly.


Wind Energy Ireland (WEI) is the representative body for the Irish wind industry, working to promote wind energy as an essential, economical and environmentally friendly part of the country's low-carbon energy future. As Ireland's largest renewable energy organisation, it encompasses more than 150 members who have come together to plan, build, operate and support the development of the country's chief renewable energy resource. It is an all-Ireland body, working in Northern Ireland through a partnership with RenewableUK. More than a third of Ireland's power came from wind farms in March, with the country's main renewable energy source meeting 40 per cent of electricity demand over the first three months of 2023. Prices on the wholesale electricity market continued their gradual fall, helped by Irish wind farms, for the third consecutive month.


Dublin Offshore Technology was founded on the belief that sustainable development of the blue economy can change people's lives for the better. Its mission is to engineer technology solutions for the world's oceans, work which is particularly focused on the fixed and floating offshore wind sector. The ESB recently announced that it will invest in the company, allow it expand its business in the growing market for floating offshore wind energy. The company's innovative technology solution for floating offshore wind mooring systems provides significant design improvements for the wind farm, with an optimised mooring system delivering these benefits using locally-sourced materials tried and tested in the offshore environment with no degradation over the full lifetime of the wind farm. The investment will allow Dublin Offshore Technology position itself as a global leader in this rapidly growing market.


Nines Photovoltaics was established in 2010, with a dedicated team that is focused on bringing new innovative process technology, machinery and equipment to the international Photovoltaic (PV) solar cell manufacturing industry.

The company is based in Dublin, with its areas of expertise including technical project management; production focused process engineering; and turnkey process equipment with integrated control systems. Nines Photovoltaic is a sister company of Nines Engineering, set up in 2007, and built up based on the founders experience, knowledge and contacts within the Semiconductor manufacturing industry. In 2009 the management team identified opportunities in the Photovoltaic (PV) space in which they could bring their extensive Semiconductor industry knowledge, and add value to the sector by developing novel processing technologies.


Enerpower are Ireland's leading provider of renewable energy solutions for commercial and industrial sectors. The company was established in 2005 to meet the demands of the changing business landscape whereby businesses were looking towards the environmental and economic benefits of choosing renewable energy. Enerpower are committed to using biomass fuel, solar panel technology, heat pump technology and wind energy to ensure businesses will save money on heating and energy and reduce their impact on the environment. In 2021 Enerpower opened what it claims to be the single largest solar farm in the country. Developed in a joint venture with pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly, the 16-acre facility will help power a significant proportion of the Lilly plant at its Dunderrow site with sustainable energy.


Headquartered in Dublin with operations in the US, the United Kingdom, Europe and Australia, BNRG is a pioneering developer and operator of solar projects. Since 2007 the company has worked alongside its development, technology and investment partners to finance, build, manage and own solar farms that today produce more than 150,000 MWh of clean electricity, with more than 1.5 GW of active projects in the development pipeline. In 2022, AIB has invested €8.5 million in BNRG, convertible into equity if the business goes about raising funding, which it is expected to do this year. The company currently has a solar development pipeline of 2.7 gigawatts across Ireland, the US, UK and Australia, equivalent to about half of peak electricity demand in the Republic, in addition to 23 megawatts of operating assets in the US.


Providing solar powered LED lighting systems to illuminate outdoor advertising displays such as bus shelters and billboards. The system combines a proprietary Solar Control Unit and customized LED lighting modules with efficient solar panels and batteries to deliver autonomous, reliable and cost effective solar lighting solutions. Replacing existing fluorescent tubes with its bespoke LED lighting will provide an energy saving of up to 80%. Solar AdTek's optional mobile communications module allows for Real Time Passenger Information signs, remote system diagnostics, advertisement viewers, traffic counters and environmental sensors. Solar AdTek were delighted to work with the sustainability and marketing teams at IKEA Ireland to develop a bespoke LED lighting solution for the advertising billboards at their Dublin store. The project involved evaluating the lighting on car park billboards and offering an improved, more cost-effective solution.


Enverian was established in 2011 to provide software solutions for the renewable-energy sector, and received seed capital funding from Enterprise Ireland and the AIB Seed Capital Fund, led by Enterprise Equity. The company recently announced a landmark partnership agreement with renewable energy developer, Mainstream Renewable Power, which will see all of Mainstream's onshore wind and solar energy portfolio being tracked, ranked, and valued using Enverian's cloud-based Renewable Portfolio Manager application. The system has already been deployed and will be developed further for Mainstream with the aim of bringing greater value and efficiencies to the organisation. Enverian provides the answer to many of the biggest management challenges facing renewable energy development companies, with a product that enables fully informed investment decisions to be made and demonstrates where the company is creating most value.


Wattics, an EnergyCAP solution, is a market-leading provider of enterprise energy management analytics software. Wattics is used by growing teams of energy service companies, green building professionals, energy consultants and analysts to manage bulk utility/IoTs/sub-meter data to spot business energy inefficiencies, increase sustainability, improve indoor air quality, and reduce CO2 emissions in industrial and commercial buildings. Through its customer network, Wattics has a global presence spread across more than 55 countries around the world. Its mission is to enable energy and sustainability professionals around the world to develop and maintain resource-efficient, cost-effective, net-zero buildings and facilities, based on actionable data-driven insights. In August 2022, EnergyCAP, a pioneer in energy and sustainability enterprise resource planning software, acquired Wattics.


Rising electricity costs and good roof space provided by commercial properties make solar a sensible investment. Whether the business is looking to save money, reduce its carbon footprint or secure its future energy supply, Energy Serv provides expert commercial solar installations with proven high-yielding solar panels across Ireland.

An energy service providing design and installation of Solar PV systems, electric vehicle charging points, smart heating controls and real time energy monitoring. Working with a number of partners from the major energy providers in Ireland to single domestic dwellings supplying sales and services for a wide range of energy saving products and services. Energy Serv works with clients to keep their costs as low as possible with the maximum quality systems available, achieved by working with the client to avail of the SEAI grants available.


An energy supplier that has recently entered the Irish market, Glowpower is led by energy industry experts with over 30 years of combined experience across the globe. Was formed to breathe new innovative thinking into the stale energy market, and is opposed to out-dated thinking, old practices and excessive charging. "Our promise is to be accountable for our actions. We are committed to listening and helping you understand and benefit from energy usage education." Glowpower exists to deliver electricity in the most cost-effective, best electricity deals, seamless and transparent experience possible. "We want to empower you to manage your own and your community energy needs with smart technology plus the best-combined energy services, innovative designs and savings."


Circle K is Ireland's leading forecourt and convenience retailer with 410 sites across the island of Ireland. "We have revolutionised the forecourt and convenience retail space through our next-generation fuel, our gourmet coffee and a wide range of quality food options." With 2,210 employees in Ireland, it also operate a large commercial fuels business with over 20 depots and two owned terminals across the country.\Circle K recently announced that its fleet of delivery vehicles will be fuelled by Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil renewable diesel in its fleet of delivery vehicles, which is the equivalent of over 2,000 cars removed from the road once the rollout is complete.


Mainstream Renewable Power is a leading pure-play renewable energy company, with wind and solar assets across global markets, including in Latin America, Africa and Asia-Pacific.

Mainstream is one of the most successful developers of gigawatt-scale renewables platforms, across onshore wind, offshore wind, and solar power generation. It has successfully delivered 6.5 GW of wind and solar generation assets to financial close-ready and has a global project portfolio of 27 GW. In May 2021, Aker Horizons acquired a majority stake in Mainstream, and in April 2022, Mitsui & Co., Ltd. joined Aker Horizons as a long-term strategic investor. In August 2022, a transaction to integrate Aker Offshore Wind into the Mainstream Group was completed. Mainstream has raised more than €3 billion in project finance to date. Since January 2021, Mainstream has grown its team from 335 to over 650 today across five continents.


Simply Blue works with the ocean to develop deliver blue growth strategies globally and to fight climate change. It is part of a global movement focused on replacing fossil fuels with clean ocean energy, removing CO2 from the atmosphere and developing sustainable sources of protein, while developing coastal economies with new projects and investment bringing new projects and investment to coastal communities, working in happy co-existence. The 100 MW Salamander floating offshore wind project, located 35km off Peterhead, is a joint venture between Ørsted, Simply Blue Group and Subsea7 and is designed to provide Scotland and its supply chain with an early opportunity to deliver floating offshore wind ahead of the larger-scale ScotWind build-out. In addition, a leading local developer in Australia, Spark Renewables, together with Simply Blue Group and Subsea7, have formed a consortium to pursue floating offshore wind development off the coast of New South Wales, Australia, in the Hunter and Illawarra regions.


SkySpecs entered the market providing a solution for renewable energy companies struggling to understand the health of their assets. By providing wind farms with valuable data on the health of their wind turbine blades through autonomous drone inspections, customers were finally able to access high quality data on assets in near real-time, and then analyze and synthesize it so they can make smarter decisions about their fleets from first day-of-operation to end-of-life. But SkySpecs didn't just stop at providing blade data; they continued to expand their solutions offerings when they realized that the simplest path to industry-leading efficiency and returns was access to high quality data on all of the components that make up the wind asset. SkySpecs builds its hardware and software in house, and already monitors the health of almost half of all turbine blades in North America. Since it launched in 2012, its drones have inspected more than 300,000 blades across dozens of countries.


Energia provides 100% green electricity to over 250,000 homes and businesses across Ireland. Energia has been operating in Ireland since 1999 for business customers, and launched into the domestic market in 2014. Since then it has been continually expanding to become a leading Irish energy provider and infrastructure investor across Renewables, Flexible Generation and Customer Solutions. Energia supplies approximately 18% of the island of Ireland's total electricity requirements and 23% of the island's total wind power, meeting the energy needs of over 58,000 business customers and over 200,000 homes with competitive electricity and gas services. Energia operate 40 wind farms in locations across the country, and to date we have invested over €1 billion in the energy market across the island of Ireland.


ÉireComposites was established in 1998 and has over 60 employees. The company operates an accredited composites manufacturing and testing facility in Inverin, Galway. It is an innovative design, manufacturing and testing company involved in lightweight, high-performance, fibre-reinforced composite materials, with an international customer base in space, aerospace, renewable energy and industrial composites. The company's goal is to create products and services that improve society by commercialising cutting-edge research on composite materials. It aims to achieve this objective by creating meaningful, stimulating jobs for the community and delivering high-quality, novel products and services for customers, at competitive prices. By achieving these aims, the company will enhance Ireland's reputation as a prime location for modern manufacturing. We pride ourselves in meeting our customers’ delivery times. Its extensive experience combined with state-of-the-art facilities and advanced design capabilities make the firm a one stop shop for composites process and product development. With experience in both thermoset and thermoplastic parts, it has parts flying on commercial aircraft for over a decade. The company has also developed patented composite manufacturing technologies which take advantage of the quick cycle times possible with thermoplastic composites.


Greencoat Renewable's portfolio generated 2,487GWh of electricity during the year, up from 1,522GWh the previous year. During the year the company bought nine wind farms, including its first offshore wind farm, and expanded into Germany, Finland and Spain. Earlier this year

the Dublin-listed wind and solar energy group announced an agreement to acquire 22.5% of an offshore wind farm in Germany.\The wind farm is located in Germany's exclusive economic zone in the North Sea and consists of 80 Siemens Gamesa 3.6MW turbines that have been operational since 2015. The company now has a portfolio of 35 assets. It saw successful capital-raising activity in the 12-month period with gross proceeds of €281.5m raised in an oversubscribed placing. 2022 was another very successful year for the company, having built a portfolio of diversified technology across both onshore and offshore wind, solar, and battery, providing a robust platform from which to capitalise on the opportunities ahead.


Trifol is a Clean Technology company that has developed proprietary technologies to convert plastic waste into wax. Plastic waste is a global environmental issue causing significant negative environmental impact. The Trifol technology processes low-grade plastic waste into waxes for multiple applications (industrial, packaging, cosmetics, candles) and into ingredients for high-specification synthetic automotive engine oils in an environmentally friendly manner.


Based in Ireland, Trifol's objective is to install production facilities in all major markets globally. Trifol is helping to tackle a major global environmental issue. Every year the world produces 350 million tonnes of plastic, but only 9% is ever recycled. Trifol wax is unique because with every tonne of Trifol wax, 1.5 tonnes of plastic waste is prevented from polluting the environment.


EpiSensor was founded in 2007 at the intersection of three new technology waves – wireless sensor networks, cloud computing, and mobile. The company, led by an experienced management team who have grown multiple high-tech companies in the past. set out to apply this new technology stack to the world's energy and efficiency problems. All EpiSensor products are designed in Ireland, a result of having developed the ‘full chain’ of technology from sensor to server, so enabling a quick response to customer needs. EpiSensor provides a powerful Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) platform that makes it easier than ever to collect data from the real world. The platform is suitable for a wide variety of applications and industries, from refrigeration monitoring to energy management, and can be deployed in the most harsh, secure and mission critical environments.


Dare Tech are a team of engineers who specialise in renewable and hybrid solutions. "We use our engineering expertise combined with cutting edge technology to create sustainable solutions to power everyday activities and to help create better outcomes for our environment. We believe that innovation is at the heart of a sustainable blue economy." Dare Tech design and build products that are robust and suitable for the environment in which they operate. All systems use state of the art certified components ensuring the highest of quality system that produces maximum performance for the long term. "We utilise the best renewable resources available at a project location. Wind and / or solar energy generating devices can easily be integrated into the system allowing maximum renewable energy generation, further reducing the requirement for diesel generation."


BrightWind provides a boutique resource and energy assessment service led by leading analysts with over 90+ years experience working for developers in the wind and solar industries. Its extensive experience, fast turn-around times and high quality services ensure that clients make the most accurate, confident and informed development decisions. BrightWind has committed 1% of its annual revenue to nature based solutions for biodiversity loss, native tree deforestation and climate change. "Climate change is now a reality. And its not just climate change that is a reality. We are acidifying the oceans, losing sea ice, losing arable land and deforesting the planet at an alarming rate. Not just that, we are going through the 6th biggest mass extinction event the planet has ever faced. Renewable Energy as vital and key to our future as it is, is not enough to solve these problems."


Optinergy is an Irish owned company, specialising in the provision of Operations & Maintenance services to the wind industry in Ireland, Northern Ireland and the UK.

Optinergy offers a full suite of Operations & Maintenance services ranging from regular preventative maintenance to total asset management services, to providing its customers with specific tailored solutions to once off or recurring problems. It provides a range of services to its customers from time and materials up to full- service contracts including site management and preventative maintenance, including major component management. The company services and maintains a large number of wind farms with a diversity of WTGs including Vestas, Gamesa, GE, Nordex, Zond and Enercon. Apart from the scheduled maintenance, Optinergy also offers a fault find and repair service on turbines when breakdowns occur, normally responding within 24hrs. It carries out all major component changeouts on the turbines within its fleet including Generator, Gearbox and Blade bearings.


Schwungrad Energie Ltd specialises in the installation and operation of high energy battery/flywheel storage plant which can support stable, reliable and efficient electricity grid operation. Schwungrad is a consortium of energy specialists and financial investors and is based in Offaly. Schwungrad develop the capability of providing system services in an effective and economical way by adapting proven flywheel and integrating battery technology to produce an innovative hybrid system. There is a growing need for electrical grid stabilisation solutions which will enable greater penetration of intermittent renewable energy generation. This need is global; the market for this service is being established in Ireland and across the EU and is expected to develop worldwide.


Irish energy trading and services giant Electroroute reports strong 2021 results with revenues up to €203.3m from €46.2m. Business expansion in Europe and Japan is the main reason for the favourable performance, but the recording of mark-to-market valuation gains related to future deliveries is also a background factor. With the acquisition of a majority stake by Mitsubishi Corporation in 2016 and a wholly-owned subsidiary in 2022, Electroroute has expanded its business into the Japanese market. Through this partnership, Electroroute receives a capital contribution of €300 million from Mitsubishi Corporation.

Founded in 2011, Electroroute has expanded rapidly and now employs over 90 energy professionals across Ireland, the UK, Europe and Japan. ElectroRoute's trading team leverages its trading platform, ElectroRoute CORE, to operate 24/7, including wind farms, solar farms and battery storage facilities in 14 energy markets. We provide essential trading services for renewable energy assets. In 2021, Electroroute won its first major contract in the Japanese market - a milestone power purchase agreement signed between MC Retail Energy, an affiliate of Electroroute, and the corporate buyer. The capacity of the battery facility managed by Electroroute has also been increased to 275MW, the largest independent battery portfolio on the island of Ireland. Electroroute's portfolio accounts for over 40% of the market share on the island of Ireland. Electroroute announced that it will hire 50 new specialist staff by 2025.


The Sceirde Rocks Windfarm is being developed by leading offshore wind business Corio Generation through the Irish and Gaeltacht based company Fuinneamh Sceirde Teoranta (FST). FST is a joint venture owned by Corio Generation, a portfolio company of Macquarie's Green Investment Group, and global infrastructure investor Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan. The project development team is working to help Ireland achieve its climate goals for 2030, engaging with the local community by creating local economic development and job opportunities, and providing clean, renewable energy for all. The Sceirde Rocks Windfarm is a proposed offshore wind project, located off the Connemara coast, that aims to power communities using clean and renewable energy. Once completed, it will provide enough reliable and affordable electricity to more than 350,000 homes. The project will help Ireland to achieve its goal of generating 80% of energy through renewable sources by 2030.


Balcas is a business focused on the future. "We believe that sustainably managed forests are our future. So we innovate with timber, taking care to use it as efficiently as possible, planting four trees for every one we harvest."

The company's sawmills in Enniskillen and combined CHP plants in Enniskillen and Invergordon are energy-efficient and self-sufficient. Its 370-plus people are experts in timber products and wood pellet production, delivery and supply. "Our focus is on growing for tomorrow and keeping our position as one of Britain and Ireland's largest wood product suppliers. All of these things make Balcas the natural leader."


In the beginning, EQTEC Iberia started operations from Spain in 1997. The company has since developed a research and development program in biomass and waste thermochemical gasification based on a bubbling fluidized bed gasifier. In Ireland in 2008, under the name Kedco plc and later React Energy plc, a business started operating as a developer of renewable energy projects and listed on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange. A number of years later, React Energy plc saw the opportunity to marry its project development experience with the technology expertise of EQTEC Iberia. Earlier this month, EQTEC signed a collaboration agreement with Poseidon LNG Hub to develop and deploy waste-to-hydrogen and waste-to-RNG projects in northern Italy. Under the agreement, the companies, within a consortium, will jointly target and pursue market opportunities for the development and deployment of EQTEC's waste-to-hydrogen and waste-to-RNG technology in four potential plants under development in Italy.


Power Capital Renewable Energy is the largest independent solar power producer in Ireland, with a solar PV pipeline of 1.2GW, growing rapidly with multimillion acquisitions of Irish solar farms. With a target pipeline of 5GW by 2030, the company is constantly looking to expand its portfolio both nationally and internationally. Earlier this year announced the closing of an up to €240,000,000 construction equity facility with a consortium of lenders managed by Eiffel Investment Group, including Belgian insurance company Ethias and the European Investment Bank. The facility will support the IPP's plans to bring 1.2GW of solar projects to operation by 2025. The facility has an initial tranche of €100,000,000. Part of this initial tranche will be used to build assets benefitting from signed Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with Microsoft and another undisclosed technology company, with the remainder for assets having been awarded tariffs in the Irish RESS2 auction.


Established in 1999, Macro Works provides a full suite of LVIA-related tools and skills for a broad spectrum of energy, infrastructure and commercial developments. Its clients emanate from both the public and private sectors, in Ireland and abroad. Macro Works’ expertise primarily covers the stages of development, from initial feasibility studies through to the completion of the planning process. Not content to simply follow best practice, Macro Works constantly endeavour to establish it through constant R&D and innovation that takes advantage of the latest technologies. This push for constant advancement has ensured that Macro Works has remained at the forefront of LVIA services in Ireland for the past 20 years and will continue to do so into the future. "We excel at challenging projects where our combination of experience and innovation can be brought to bear to give any development its greatest chance of success."


SuperNode is a cutting-edge global technology company based in Dublin, that designs superconducting transmission systems to integrate renewable energy and connect electricity markets.

Superconducting technology requires less materials, is more efficient and environmentally friendly and, importantly, costs less than any other viable alternative. SuperNode is co-owned by its founder Dr. Eddie O’Connor and Aker Horizons, a Norway-based developer of green energy and green industry. SuperNode was founded in 2018 and was originally named after the network concept, the supernode, before shifting its focus to develop superconducting technology. Its superconducting transmission products will be the key enabling network technology for the huge growth in renewable energy over the next 30 years.


For over five decades, EPS has been providing innovative and progressive products and solutions to the water sector. Through two generations of leadership, EPS has remained a progressive, innovative, reliable and client-focused company. "We have achieved many milestones over the last 50 years, growing in numbers, strength and diversity of markets. We are constantly evolving and changing and so it is imperative that we have a clear mission and vision to drive us, a set of inherent company values to adhere to and a defined structure." Heading into its 54th year of operations, Mallow-headquartered EPS has been named Family Business of the Year at the 2022 Deloitte Best Managed Company Awards. Rising from humble beginnings in Kanturk to become one of the biggest water and wastewater infrastructure businesses of its kind, today EPS employs more than 570 people across its Irish and international operations.\The company still proudly has its original customer base and product focus, dealing with treatment and pumping of water and wastewater for private residential homes & farms, expanding to encompass commercial and industrial businesses and utility companies across Ireland and Europe.


Founded in 2009 by an experienced group of renewable energy executives, its aim was to focus on exploiting renewable energy opportunities in selected European markets. "We believe that renewable energy generation makes a positive contribution to the environment and the local communities we operate in, while at the same time meeting the necessary energy demands of local and national economies." The company objective is to create value for shareholders and other stakeholders through the realisation of renewable energy projects from all stages of development, to construction and operation. "Our focus is on utility scale wind and solar projects where we can leverage our skills and where we believe we can generate real returns for investors. We work very closely with the local community, landowners, and all the relevant statutory bodies to obtain a successful outcome for our renewable energy projects." The group operates in Northern Ireland, Wales, Canary Islands and Portugal - markets where there are strong fundamentals over the long term. Island understands what is required to bring a renewable energy project from initiation to operation and is comfortable with the nature of the challenges involved. This capability combined with our financing and commercial expertise mean we are the natural bridge for infrastructure funds and long term asset management. The business currently has a pipeline of over 400MW of renewable energy across its markets.

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